Who We Are
Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church is a parish of the Byzantine-Ruthenian Metropolitan Province of Pittsburgh, The Most Reverend William C. Skurla, Metropolitan Archbishop, in the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic, The Most Reverend Kurt Burnette, Bishop. We are an Eastern Catholic Church in full Communion with the Church of Rome, and Pope Francis is our spiritual head. Our historical roots are in Eastern Europe, but we are open to all who come through our doors. Our Sunday Divine Liturgy is celebrated at 9:00 AM. Please see the monthly schedule or the weekly bulletin for Weekday Divine Liturgies. Celebration of Holy Days are typically on the day of the Feast, at 7:00 PM. For Holy Days of Obligation, Vespers with Divine Liturgy is celebrated the evening before the feast at 7:00 PM, and the Divine Liturgy is celebrated on the morning of the feast at 9:00 AM. Please check our calendar for our monthly schedule. We welcome all visitors to our Liturgy, and hope that you would make yourself known to Fr. Ron or Deacon Steve when you come! |